What is version 2.0 of myself?

Prallad Shetty K
3 min readJul 4, 2021

I’m someone who has been leading life putting bare minimum efforts into everything I do. I have passed Engineering, I have gotten a job but never really worked hard for any of it. I never utilize the time that I have or allotted for any particular task. I could be a role model in a parallel world where people who procrastinate are considered to be successful. I have been constantly asking myself “Will I ever be able to come out of this pathetic version that I currently live in where there is no satisfaction in anything I do?”. I have always believed that I’m capable of doing something great but that belief is one of the main reasons that I’m not doing anything at all. That belief is the one which makes me think I can do something great tomorrow and not take action today. There is also this another part of me which is more of a philosophical one that asks me this following question, “ Is it really important that I do something significant in life when we are such a tiny entity in this Universe. Am I significant?” The answer to that question that I have is “I’m not.” then “Why am I not happy with not doing anything significant if we don’t really matter?”. Life may be is mostly about perspective but whoever I’m now, this is not how I want to be, to accept my current self I would not need perspective, I would just need to become hopeless. This is not how I want to spend rest of my life even if I’m insignificant.

So since recently this feeling that I’m not really doing anything Significant in my life has kind of started getting into me. Trying to get sleep with this kind of feeling is not easy. So I have finally started doing little changes in my life to break the routine that is keeping me in this pathetic state of mind and body. I have stopped smoking(been a month), I have started doing my job better. I have started spending less time on social media but this is not yet the final version I see myself to be.

So now “What would be my Version 2.0?”.
The version 2.0 of myself would not struggle to sleep at night. He would not rely on instant gratification. He would be disciplined, he would take actions about things he likes to do and not sit idle wearing headphones 24/7 binge watching TV shows. He would own a business, he would not be working for anyone in a job or company. He would visit his favorite football team play in their home ground(#GGMU). He would not be in any debt that worries him, He would not be in any relationship that makes him miserable. He will make enough money to visit different places around the world. He would be a guitarist who can play his favorite solo of Marty Friedman from the Megadeth song ‘Tornado of Souls’(Trust me this is not easy). He would help people who helped him throughout the years and most importantly he would actually feel peacefulness when he is has to listen to the thoughts in his mind.

If I look at the past 30 days, I feel like I’m going in a right direction. My path to become the Version 2.0 of myself is not easy however I have never had lack of belief in myself. I lack discipline and action. I want to work on improving myself even more in the next coming days and hopefully I will be in a better place in the next year. If you are wondering what’s the realistic timeline for me to become my version 2.0, I would say by 2025(may butcher the guitar solo but still I hope I would be decent enough for 4-year-old guitarist). So if there is anyone like me who is also going through the same phase in life, even though I have not yet accomplished anything , I would still ask you not lose belief in yourself or with what you can accomplish in future. There is always room for improvement. Remember,

“If you think you are too old to rock ‘n roll, then you are”-Lemmy Kilmister from Motörhead.

Thank you for reading.

(This is the first time I’m writing an article, forgive me if there are any punctuation or grammatical mistakes.)

